
The Patuxent Institution, also known as the Correctional Mental Health Center is located in Jessup, Maryland one mile east of US Route 1 on Maryland Route 175. It is a treatment-oriented maximum-security correctional facility. With a maximum static capacity of 987 beds, it offers the most diverse services to the most varied male and female offender population in the state, and possibly in the nation.

The Patuxent Institution is the only institution for sentenced criminals in Maryland that is not part of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Its foundation lies in the Maryland Public General Law, codified as Title 4 of the Correctional Services Article. The predecessor of this statute, Article 31B of the Public General Laws of Maryland, was enacted in 1951.

7555 Waterloo Road
Jessup, Maryland 20794

Phone: (410) 799-3400

Fax: (410) 799-7457

Randall Nero

Laura Armstead

Assistant Warden:
Carol Harmon

Security Chief:
Winnie Mott