About Us

The Maryland Prison Info website has a goal of providing real, helpful, current information about all correctional institutions in the State.

Relying on the DPSCS or other county municipalities to provide information alone is frustrating to inmates their families and friends. This website is the answer to that problem. It is a website focused on Maryland only. There are other national websites that try to do everything for everyone, but ultimately, they end up being less useful than the State or county provides.

Marylandprisoninfo.com is for profit and is owned by BrightNote Enterprises, LLC. A Maryland business. Donations are appreciated if the site was helpful and we do have affiliate relationships with Amazon for books and other items people might like to buy and we sell advertising space on the site. The proceeds go to funding the site, paying writers, photographers, graphic designers, and other staff.

Prison is a reality that many face each day, but they don’t have to face it alone and without help. Knowing the simplest thing about the facility or policy or inmate life can make a huge difference in how the time is spent and with friends and loved ones.